Moonshine: Configuration Management and Deployment

Written By : Rails Machine Operations Team

January 16, 2009

On Wednesday, at the January 14th 2009 meeting of the Atlanta Ruby Users Group, Jesse Newland presented a talk on our latest project: Moonshine. Moonshine is an opensource configuration management and deployment system being released later this month.

Moonshine follows the Rails way, simplifying server configuration, dependency management, and Rails application deployment. We’ve created this system to be as simple and seamless as possible, with a focus on well-tested, reliable software like Ruby and Puppet. We’ve been using Puppet internally for some time, and Moonshine presented an excellent opportunity to integrate it with Rails and application deployment.

For a sneak-peak into the capabilities of Moonshine, you can check out the slides and his talk in the video below. Update, sadly, the video is now gone

Stay tuned for more information and updates about Moonshine.