New Managed Hosting Plans

Written By : Rails Machine Operations Team

January 23, 2009

After months of research, planning and development, we’re proud to announce the Rails Machine Managed Hosting plans, starting at $275/month. You can now get direct access to the same team of engineers and developers who have brought you reliable hosting for your Rails applications since 2006.

This is a new direction for Rails Machine, and represents a direct response to providing the kinds of services our customers have been asking us for. You wanted Passenger and Git? They’re part of our default image. You wanted Ubuntu? It’s the base upon which our new services are offered. You wanted simple, fully automated configuration and dependency management and deployment? We’ve built Moonshine. And now we’re bringing you managed hosting at a very competitive price.

All of our Managed Hosting Plans include:

  • The latest Rails Stack: Ubuntu, Passenger, Rails, MySQL, Git
  • Initial application deployment with Moonshine, our automated, Puppet-based deployment tool
  • Full management and support for stack-related issues
  • 1 hour of by-request custom hands-on administration per month during business support hours
  • Daily and off-site backups
  • 24/7 monitoring of application availability
  • Fast Hands-On Response to emergency application issues 24/7

We’re currently accepting pre-orders until the service officially launches, within the next month.

Thanks again to everybody who filled-out our Managed Hosting Survey, and who took the time to talk with us about crafting our Managed Hosting services.