It’s that time of year, y’all!
Josh Nichols and I (Will Farrington) will be representing Rails Machine at this year’s Ruby Hoedown in Nashville, TN — the Southeast’s premier regional Ruby conference. We’ll be flying in Thursday and after we’re setup at the hotel, we’re planning on grabbing some grub and drinks at Jackson’s around 11pm that night — we’d love to have you join us.
Friday afternoon, I will talk about Vagabond — a library I’ve been working on to do rspec-style integration tests for your infrastructure and some of the no-nonsense attitude we’ve taken towards testing and understanding complicated infrastructures and how it can help you be sure your application and the configuration management that powers it will always “just work”. Saturday morning, Josh gives a talk on Operations with Rails and he’ll be touching on a number of topics, including operations anti-patterns, scaling, and offer some insight into how Operations has to work at a large scale to be successful.
If you’re a customer, are interested in hosting at Rails Machine, or just want to ask us some questions, come find us (or hit us @railsmachine) and we’ll be happy to grab a beer and chat. And remember, our “ask us anything” support is always available in person. :)
We hope to see you at the Hoedown and that you enjoy our presentations!